Can I Keep My Home If I File Bankruptcy?

On Behalf of | Apr 30, 2023 | Bankruptcy |

If you own a home and are considering filing for bankruptcy, one of the first questions probably is “Can I keep my home?” And if you’re reading things online (which we all do), you may have read some scary stories about how people lost their home in a bankruptcy. It does happen. But it doesn’t have to. You just need to ensure you have a bankruptcy attorney who understands the different chapters of bankruptcy and can advise you as to what your options are. Whether you are current on your mortgage or past due, you can still put a plan together in bankruptcy to keep your home.

In this video, we discuss the options if you’re current, if you’re past due, protecting the equity in your home, and using homestead exemptions. If you are in Washington State and considering filing for bankruptcy, and you want to ensure you protect your home, give our office a call at (206) 408-8158.

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While we’re a law firm, we’re not your attorney until you’ve hired us. Give us a call if you would like our help!


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